3 AirPods upgrades I want Apple to make in September

The AirPods Pro have pass-through audio and noise cancellation. Don’t expect all that on entry-level AirPods, but hopefully strides can be made on Bluetooth connection.

Angela Lang/CNET

I want AirPods to device-swap even more effortlessly

Apple’s iOS 14 and Big Sur OS updates have helped AirPods autoconnect to Apple devices faster, but I still find that I have to double-check that AirPods are paired during a Zoom or FaceTime. Sometimes I also encounter bugs that disconnect the AirPods, too.

I don’t just want to switch to whatever device I’m using, though: I want to actively switch as I multitask, or even blend sources. I look at my phone, laptop, even a TV at the same time. I’d love to tap-select to swap, or maybe even use my head orientation as a way for the AirPods to somehow sense what device I’m using. Apple’s latest devices have U1 chips that can spatially recognize where other Apple devices are. New AirPods could maybe tap into this more, too. Keep in mind, even the expensive AirPods Max don’t have a U1 chip, so less expensive AirPods aren’t likely to, either… but it’s an interesting thought.



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